Friday, October 5, 2012

October is here and fun is around the corner!

Kenz and I are at home taking a sick day today. This awful cold that's been taking people out left and right at work has been chasing people in my household for a good week or so now. Averi who always seems to be able to get rid of germs with a quick sneeze, coughed for a bit and of course now looks to be cured. Kenzi on the other hand is the opposite. This darn thing seems to have latched onto her and just won't let go. I have never seen so much snot come out of a kid's nose like I have with hers lately. Then I have the stuffy head and sore throat thing going on. I think I've had a slight fever too. That or maybe I'm going through early menopause. Hope not!

Aside from not very successfully avoiding the negative thing about Fall of being sick, we are enjoying Fall. It really is such a great time of the year. Averi is super excited about Halloween. Having little kids just makes this time of the year so exciting again! In so many ways it's like we get to be kids again. I can look forward to trick or treating again. And all that candy! We monitor Ave's sugar, junk food intake fairly well. The kid has a ridiculous amount of energy as it is; she does need anything else to fuel that engine of hers. But since there's still Halloween, Christmas, and Easter candy in our cabinet, obviously Nate and I aren't that big of candy eaters either. Those reese peanut butter cups and snicker bars won't last long though.

I always look forward to the cooler weather with open windows, sweaters and boots, and falling leaves. Then comes Thanksgiving and from there it's the Christmas season! Christmas with little kids is so magical. I will be so sad when my kids no longer believe in Santa Claus. It will break my heart all over again. And their Christmas lists just keep growing and growing. I think Mommy and Daddy see more things they want than they do themselves. That's always such a fun date for Nate and I anyway dinner and christmas shopping. Even though I want my kids to experience picking out a real Christmas tree we are not spending the astronomical amount we spent last year. If it's going to be that much again, our tree farm will be Lowes. Then last year we did not only get tricked into buying a very crooked almost $100 tree but it fell off our SUV on 695! So hoping for a better real tree experience this Christmas.

Aside from being sick the girls are doing great. Averi loves school, and she's learning so much. She can pretty much write her name now. As well as her letters up to E I think. She finally sings her ABCs with all of the ABCs. She likes dance but not soccer so much. She likes it when she's kicking a ball by herself but not so much when there are ten kids swarming around a ball, pushing and shoving each other to kick it. Aggressive sports may not be her forte, but she is only three so we'll check back in a few years.

Kenzi on the other hand is the school bully and may need to be in about five aggressive sports to manage her anger problem. That girl has spoken her mind since she was born. Now she torments her older sister at times as well as her poor BFF at daycare. I've said for months now that that girl is going to speak to her mind. I m hoping as she learns to talk and communicate in some other than screaming here sometime soon. But she is getting close to walking. Which even though I've been through this once and they say it only gets harder after they start walking, I'm ready for to be able to walk. And the Averi better watch out! But on the other hand considering their escapades with the crib and carseat, maybe Nate and I better watch out!

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