Sunday, February 23, 2014

Looking Back and Moving Ahead

I added some things to my sidebar and my top tabs I wanted to share and take the time to point out. But first, I wanted to reflect a little, mostly for myself. In another month or so I will be coming up on what I consider my one year blogaversary. This blog has existed for two years this coming May but it wasn't until last April that I actually started to reach out and find readers so to speak.  I haven't worked too hard on this. I love to write because one it's always been a hobby I love and second I have always found it to be great free therapy. In some ways this blog is me getting to live in my own little Ang world. However, what I have found that I didn't antcipate but absolutely love is the relationships it has allowed me to build and improve on because of the one common journey my readers and I have in common, the journey of motherhood. The thing that I love is it doesn't matter whether these readers and moms are working moms, stay at home moms, older moms with grown children, younger moms with young children like me, or moms of all variety of parenting choices and decisions, I feel like I have been able to connect with so many in so many different ways. That connection and your own stories and feedback has inspired me in so many different ways with my own motherhood journey so for that alone I thank you.

As for the blogger me. The last year has found my site slowly growing. I probably started off with about 30 followers and am now around 300. My page view counts have probably tripled since I started, but I of course would still like to reach more readers. So sometimes I make goals and work on trying to join more networks to reach more readers, but I am the master of my own world in this little corner of cyberspace. I have children, a husband, parents, students and their parents, bosses, and someone it always seems like is demanding or needing something from me. I refused to let myself get on any mandated, planned, scheduled path or agenda with this blog. It is often recommended to me that I have a blogging schedule where I post on the same days every week or that I join Pinterest and every single social media network that exists in order to reach and maintain more readers. Again, I love that I am my own boss here and will do things in my own time in my own way, and I've found many loyal readers help things along by sharing their favorite posts or name dropping my blog on other sites. For that I am incredibly grateful and thank you.

I have been contacted through email several times recently about products and partnership type things with companies that I don't really know. Sure, I could possibly make a little (emphasize little) money with them by advertising or pushing their product on my site, but I would rather not. But here's what I hope to do instead. I have several close friends that have consulting businesses; businesses as mothers and women that I believe would be an interest to my readers because we all like our houses to smell good, like to decorate our walls, fill our cabinets with tupperware, and purchase body products that make us feel and look good. I would much rather advertise for the people who read and follow A & N, who I know and trust whether I know them personally or have gotten to know them through the blogging world. So you will start to see advertisement on my right sidebar. I hope you check them out when you visit, and I hope you find things you like. The two current advertisements are for my husband's photography site and my cousins home fragance company. Just click on each image and it will take you to their site to check them out. For any of my readers that would be interested in advertising with A & N please email me at Everyone gets a month of free advertisement.

Some readers are also part of or interested in particular foundations or charities that I'm sure could always use more awareness exposure. Again, I would be more than happy to write up a post free of charge sharing information and links to build awareness for any foundations or charities a reader would like me to promote. Use the again.

The last thing I want to mention is there is a tab on the top of the page that says contact and web publications. For the last four months I have been writing twice a month with a website called Mommy Hot Spot ; I have a partnership with them in which I write for them, and they will be helping me promote something I have coming later this spring. All my articles are linked there as well as all other publications I have with other sites. A personal essay of mine will also be featured in this spring's Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Multitasking Mom's Survival Guide. If you are interested in a signed copy feel free to email me at for further information on that.

Sharing and likeing our facebook page is great way to help me reach more readers. I also now have a facebook image on the right sidebar to click on to like our page to get updates on the latest posts. Thanks for all the support, readers! I wouldn't get to feel like some sort of writer without readers :)

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1 comment:

  1. I think that it's great that do this at your own pace and are the "boss of you". Blogging is so much more fun if you just let it flow naturally rather than trying to stick to a strict schedule. I love the connections that I have made through blogging and find it really theraputic
