In the Fall of 2003 I met the man that would become my husband. In the Spring of 2004 he asked me to pack up and leave with him. In 2005 we headed East in two soon to be broken down cars with a TV, a microwave, a few clothes and personal belongings, and a limpy for life dog. Within less than 48 hours lost in the sweltering July DC heat we were ready to kill each other.
We found an apartment in a place ironically called Avery Park Apartments (no planned connection to naming our first daughter Averi ). That first year said so much about how we'd love, fight, and live with a passion.
We are two very strong minded independent personalities that God knows when we don't agree it s like an F 5 tornado with harsh words and raw emotions flying everywhere regardless what damage we lay in our wake.
But as strong as we are independently we also know we bring out the best in one another. To you I am the realist, the one that keeps our feet on the ground. To me you are the one that teaches me to always dream bigger, that to truly live life is to make having fun a priority.
Somewhere between us in almost 10.5 years together, 7 years of marriage, 2 houses, 2 kids, and even 2 pets later we've managed to build a life that s getting more financially secure every year (responsible me) but full of never ending adventure and even bigger dreams (you).
We literally came out here with about nothing except our love for one another; the support of those that even though they thought we were crazy would support us in all our endeavors; faith in ourselves, God, and our dreams; and our never ending passion for living life. We built a life, and it s a life I wouldn't trade for anything. Maybe it s boastful but it s a life I'm proud of.
We have always lived life by our own set of rules. Sure we're law abiding citizens most of the time but we've always traveled this road called life maybe a little too fast, maybe a little too carelessly but I love it. It s ours.
It is so easy to get distracted by the negative things in life, to let the things that don't work out the way we want beat us down, but our glass is 3/4 full. The other 1/4 are the great things to come.
And they will come because I believe in him, I believe in me, but even more I believe in who we are together.
A trip down memory lane March 2004-January 2009
Adult sled riding (also known as with alcholol and maybe not safe)
Swimming at the bottom of Bridal Veil Falls in Yosemite
Cowboy camping in Great Sequioa
Cruising from Florida to the Bahamas
Snorkeling in the Bahamas
Kissing on some beach
Brining Bettis into our story-January 2005
Three day canoe trip down Clarion River
Getting ready to hike down to the valley floor of Yosemite
Golden Gate Bridge of San Franscisco
The time we canoed in a metal canoe in the middle of a lightening storm
Swimming in river in a cave in Mexcio
One of many Clarks concerts
Stadium Kenny Chesney concert
Funny faces in the Fingerlakes New York-must be after all the wine
On the banks of the Great Lakes in Ohio is where we discovered our love for wineries
One of many hikes in California
The time we thought it'd be cool to drive halfway across the country in a Jeep with no top and of course it poured on us.
Probably partying somewhere
Mayan Ruins
Letting him talk me into Rappeling
Swimming in Bridal Veil Falls
Trying to show me up in the rappelling adventure
The Great Redwoods!
Someone had this crazy dream to buy a house, renovate it, and rent it.
Cheering on the O's
Philly Cheesesteak in Philadelphia after Metallica
Scuba Diving in Mexico
Hiking in Shenandoah
Only smile I had for scuba diving-not a fan
Some other beach
Shamrock Fest in DC for St. Patty's
Yeah, I'm still thinking renovating a house was a bad idea
Virginia Wine Trail
Ziplining-Definitely a fan of this
My book, Moms, Monsters, Media & Margaritas, for mothers of any age (suggested by an older reader's feedback) focuses on women today accepting who they are. It examines how our 21st century digital world shapes our perceptions and expectations of our capabilities as mothers, wives, employers, and women. It will leave you with a humorous and inspirational look at the individual journey of motherhood that takes each of us from the girl we were to the woman we become. The book is also now available on the Amazon kindle for $3.99 and the Barnes and Noble Nook for $4.99.
We found an apartment in a place ironically called Avery Park Apartments (no planned connection to naming our first daughter Averi ). That first year said so much about how we'd love, fight, and live with a passion.
We are two very strong minded independent personalities that God knows when we don't agree it s like an F 5 tornado with harsh words and raw emotions flying everywhere regardless what damage we lay in our wake.
But as strong as we are independently we also know we bring out the best in one another. To you I am the realist, the one that keeps our feet on the ground. To me you are the one that teaches me to always dream bigger, that to truly live life is to make having fun a priority.
Somewhere between us in almost 10.5 years together, 7 years of marriage, 2 houses, 2 kids, and even 2 pets later we've managed to build a life that s getting more financially secure every year (responsible me) but full of never ending adventure and even bigger dreams (you).
We literally came out here with about nothing except our love for one another; the support of those that even though they thought we were crazy would support us in all our endeavors; faith in ourselves, God, and our dreams; and our never ending passion for living life. We built a life, and it s a life I wouldn't trade for anything. Maybe it s boastful but it s a life I'm proud of.
We have always lived life by our own set of rules. Sure we're law abiding citizens most of the time but we've always traveled this road called life maybe a little too fast, maybe a little too carelessly but I love it. It s ours.
It is so easy to get distracted by the negative things in life, to let the things that don't work out the way we want beat us down, but our glass is 3/4 full. The other 1/4 are the great things to come.
And they will come because I believe in him, I believe in me, but even more I believe in who we are together.
A trip down memory lane March 2004-January 2009
Adult sled riding (also known as with alcholol and maybe not safe)
Swimming at the bottom of Bridal Veil Falls in Yosemite
Cowboy camping in Great Sequioa
Cruising from Florida to the Bahamas
Snorkeling in the Bahamas
Kissing on some beach
Brining Bettis into our story-January 2005
Three day canoe trip down Clarion River
Getting ready to hike down to the valley floor of Yosemite
Golden Gate Bridge of San Franscisco
The time we canoed in a metal canoe in the middle of a lightening storm
Swimming in river in a cave in Mexcio
One of many Clarks concerts
Stadium Kenny Chesney concert
Funny faces in the Fingerlakes New York-must be after all the wine
On the banks of the Great Lakes in Ohio is where we discovered our love for wineries
One of many hikes in California

Mayan Ruins
Letting him talk me into Rappeling
Swimming in Bridal Veil Falls
Trying to show me up in the rappelling adventure
The Great Redwoods!
Someone had this crazy dream to buy a house, renovate it, and rent it.
Cheering on the O's
Philly Cheesesteak in Philadelphia after Metallica
Scuba Diving in Mexico
Hiking in Shenandoah
Only smile I had for scuba diving-not a fan
Some other beach
Shamrock Fest in DC for St. Patty's
Yeah, I'm still thinking renovating a house was a bad idea
Virginia Wine Trail
Ziplining-Definitely a fan of this
My book, Moms, Monsters, Media & Margaritas, for mothers of any age (suggested by an older reader's feedback) focuses on women today accepting who they are. It examines how our 21st century digital world shapes our perceptions and expectations of our capabilities as mothers, wives, employers, and women. It will leave you with a humorous and inspirational look at the individual journey of motherhood that takes each of us from the girl we were to the woman we become. The book is also now available on the Amazon kindle for $3.99 and the Barnes and Noble Nook for $4.99.
This post is beautiful, Angela, as well as your love story. Thank you for sharing with us at the #SHINEBlogHop this week.